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HL7 FHIR Institute

时间:2014-11-26 16:13:01

HL7 FHIR Institute

Faculty: Lloyd McKenzie, Co-Chair, FHIR Management Group; Co-Chair, HL7 Modeling & Methodology Work Group; Member, FHIR Editorial Team; Consultant, Gevity

Registration details are available online

HL7 FHIR for Executives
Two-part webinar series - December 1 & 2, 12:00 – 1:30 pm ET

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is the newest interoperability platform from HL7, building on the strengths of Version 2 and Clinical Document Architecture (CDA®), while supporting modern interchange technologies and significantly easing implementation.   Learn what FHIR is and help determine if and when it might be relevant for your organization.
  • Session 1:  Why FHIR?  What is FHIR?  What makes FHIR different?
  • Session 2: How does FHIR relate to V2, V3 and CDA?  Who’s using it and how?  Review of FHIR timelines, risks, mitigations and next steps.
Who should attend this series? Managers and executives (CEO, CIO, etc.)
This is a pre-requisite for anyone planning to attend HL7 FHIR Architectural Approaches

HL7 FHIR Architectural Approaches
Three-part webinar series – December 3, 4 & 5, 12:00 – 1:30 pm ET

This course will help participants understand where and how FHIR might fit into their healthcare interoperability environment and give them the tools to make judgments about when or if FHIR might be an appropriate solution for their healthcare IT needs.
  • Session 1: REST, document, messaging and services interoperability paradigms; FHIR® Architecture approaches
  • Session 2: FHIR® features impacting solution design
  • Session 3: Additional considerations, profiles and adoption strategies
Who should attend this series?  CIOs, architects, development leads and anyone interested in exploring the various architectural options available to FHIR based interoperability solutions.

Pre-requisite: HL7 FHIR for Executives
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